dimanche 24 avril 2016

False Defenses

DefaultFalse Defenses

Much of what I can find on home defense and fortification has to do (obviously) with keeping the "enemy" out, or engaging at a distance. The common argument against some of these strategies, as opposed to bugging out, is a valid one, once the battle is committed to, the stationary defender is at a disadvantage.
I have been thinking a bit about this, and it seems there may be another approach. Perhaps this has been discussed at length, and I have just missed the proper keywords to find it, if so, please point me in the right direction.
What if defending your front door was never part of your plan? As far as I'm concerned, if you try to kick in my door in the dead of night, you have made your intentions clear, and are fair game. So the question is, why try to stop someone from doing so and tip your hand? Let em' kick it in! Let them think it is going to be easy, let them kick in your door, and let them storm right into your reinforced kill-box. A good sized hardened entryway with a solid inside door and well placed "murder holes" is a pretty easy thing to build...
Dead men are terrible at setting up a siege, right? What are your thoughts?

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False Defenses

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