vendredi 29 avril 2016

What, exactly, is wrong with NAFTA?


Originally Posted by TheLongRoad View Post
Brit here, so forgive my ignorance on the effects of NAFTA on Americans. Anyway, I've been following this presidential run quite closely, but one thing consistently rears its head amongst those discussing the candidates and discussing many other things related to trade, is NAFTA. From what I undersand, NAFTA basically made it easier to trade between various countries, allowing businesses to profit more by selling cross-border or moving their manufacturing abroad.

Whilst I clearly understand the implications of big business moving manufacturing abroad, job losses in the USA etc, isn't this exactly what Capitalism involves? Profit over principles?

Don't get me wrong here, I'm a die hard libertarian that firmly believes capitalism is the best functional system available right now, but what I don't understand is the partisan rhetoric against NAFTA and those who helped bring it into policy. Surely anything that helps free trade and business grow, is a good thing?

This is the big problem I currently see with the Chinese steel issue lately, US and EU steel industries are complaining that China is producing too much steel, too cheaply and want government to step in because it's 'unfair'. Its' farcical. Big business only likes free trade when it's in their own interest. The people only like free trade when it keeps them employed. God forbid capitalists actually... capitalising. Anyone able to help me understand this bizarre paradox? Or am I just missing something really obvious.

NAFTA was a trade agreement that allowed for US manufacturing jobs to travel to Canada and Mexico. The agreement basically was the start of the destruction of our economy. Companies started moving their manufacturing jobs where labor costs were lower. Follow that up with free trade with China, and our economy totally sucks. It is cheaper for most companies to make stuff in China and ship it here. Countries that pay high wages cannot have free trade with countries that pay slave wages. We can thank Bill Clinton for signing us up for that!

We don't have capitalism in the US. Our central bank (Federal Reserve) is privately owned (fascism). This bank determines interest rates for the country (centrally planned market-fascism) instead of letting the free market decide what rates should be. We have laws like Obamacare which essentially forces citizens to buy insurance from a private corporation under the barrel of the government's gun (fascism). I could go on and on citing crony capitalistic laws.

Believe it or not, most people have no idea as to what our Founding Fathers fought a war to escape. Our colonists were under a debt based monetary system issued by the Bank of England. Their wealth was being confiscated by a criminal banking racket as is happening with every country with a Rothschild owned central bank. The colonists were also extorted by a monopoly imposed by the East India Trading Company. They limited the things the colonists could buy and also had a trading monopoly over them so they could set their own prices. The final straw was when the Britisjh soldiers came to confiscate the colonists firearms. The US Declaration of Independence lists the grievances the colonists had. Some of them were out of Nazi Germany (colonists forceably removed from their homes (disappeared) and given mock trials). Being that you are British, I suggest you read it online. Also, you can read George Washington's Farewell Address which was the vision our country was supposed to follow.

We also were not supposed to have corporations in this country, or they were supposed to have charters that expired and the corporation was supposed to dissolve. We were not supposed to have a standing army. Stupid Amerikans did not listen to a darn thing they said. Our Founding Fathers have a lot of great quotes that describe how tyranny would come to the US. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, John Adams to name a few. Thomas Jefferson spoke out about the evils of banks and corporations, and the others were all correct as to how tyranny would come here. The website Brainy Quotes has a lot of their quotes, and it is easy to search the different people.

As for free trade, it is intended to destroy our economy. Back when our country was most prosperous, we had protectionist policies to protect American jobs. Weird how that works.

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What, exactly, is wrong with NAFTA?

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