vendredi 5 août 2016

Idea for new reality television series

This just hit me: participants enlist to play and be filmed as part of this new reality television show titled: "Go."

Instead of a casting call for show participants, potential players submit an application that goes "on file." Then, the show producers pull a random applicant and approach the applicant with a short message and the instructions: "go to XXX destination." The actual destination will be at a pre-determined distance from which the contestant has selected they are willing and able to achieve.

The participants must immediately attempt to reach the identified destination without outside assistance. Participants are not allowed to communicate with anyone, request help or aid, or used any equipment other than what they currently have on their person. The only exception to the "no outside contact" rule is that participants are able to ask for water. No additional cash or gear may be procured. If you have a vehicle, you may use what supplies you have on hand, including fuel, to achieve your destination. If you have physical cash, you may purchase supplies or fuel but no credit cards or debit cards allowed. If you have a BOB with you, so much the better.

I know this a crazy idea and that there are lots of holes in the concept but I think the premise is sound and considering the crap that is on TV these days, this could be very entertaining. This could be like The Amazing Race with the differences being the absence of challenges and that you must do things on your own and you aren't allowed to have any help (except for the water thing) or communicate with or explain anything to anyone. The show format could actually follow several participants through their individual trials as they attempt to arrive at their destination.

Just another crazy idea from the lunatic fringe...

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Idea for new reality television series

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