mercredi 3 août 2016

Join the Fire Department, get free stuff.

Free stuff?

Hmmm. I kind of get what you're trying to say maybe. But free?

Define "free."

I guess I get free stuff from my firehouse and rescue squad as well. At least, it didn't cost me $$$. Just years and years of service with thousands of hours of volunteer work, thousands of rescue calls, including a couple of injuries where workers comp didn't really cover some of the time I had to take off work.

But... I got some free triangular bandages and a couple of t-shirts!

Even then though, are they really free?

Well, to me maybe. Yes, it's nice that your place provides you with some gear. They can do so because of either, (or both), donations and getting something from whatever town funds them. (Sometimes fire departments have their own taxing districts. Might be something like $0.16 per thousand assessed value on property, or whatever. Maybe some other formula.)

Whatever. Be it through donation or taxing, people trust that the social contract you've made with them is that you're going to use your time and skills on their behalf. And in return, they'll try to provide you with the tools you need to do so.

That's not really free at all. It's a trade. A bargain. And a fine one if dedicated to doing the work. Just not free. Again, I kind of get what you're trying to say, but for anyone not part of Fire/EMS who might not know any better, I just felt compelled to clear up just what Free usually means here.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Join the Fire Department, get free stuff.

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