mardi 23 août 2016

Nice neighbor rant

DefaultNice neighbor rant

We have property in Tennessee that years ago had an old cattle road across it.We blocked it with steel post across both ends of path and over the past 6 months when the weathers bad someone would pull the posts and drive across the property. Leaving ruts and causing washouts.Well yesterday we dropped trees across the path and guess what?i was in the uard when a guy pulls up and says looks like you dont want people crossing your property. I said no i dont it is trespassing. And damaging my property. He said i was not neighborly because i did not tell them they could not do it. As he talked he got madder about yhis and kept repeating im not a nice neighbor and then as he pulled away he says paybacks a itch and says sorry about your trailer. We have a camper we live in while getting ready to build our house. I noticied the police but they cant do anything without pictures of trespassing. But did talk to the person who he leases his land from and he said if anything happens to my property or he comes around my wife or i again the man will be gone. It is in his lease. Hope that helps. The police said that dont be affraid to use your gun if needed.
This is some of the types of people you find in very rural areas. Just had to vent about how some people do not respect others property pr rights

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Nice neighbor rant

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