vendredi 23 septembre 2016

Is a shotgun easier to shoot accurately than a 44 mag?

Both are 'Big Scary Guns' to the bad shooter. I am not a 'Gun Guy' but i own 3 guns. I consider a gun guy to be someone with redundant purchases such as owning four 9mm compacts. Nothing wrong with that of course just saying that for me it's 1 gun per category (unless I buy a second gun in the same category for another person like my girlfriend). I own a full size 9mm, a full size 10mm, and a carry size 357/38 revolver. We can all agree there's no overlap there, pretty sure people realize they are all in different categories. Now clearly a 12 guage with 00 Buck or Slugs, or a 44 mag enters a higher power category (I'm looking at a Benelli M2 or a Ruger Super Redhawk with long barrel).

I'm very torn and I want to ask the following hypothetical question to you guys. Suppose you pressured your wife into shooting all of your guns because you guys hike & camp a lot and it's for her own good to at least have shot them before just in case. Suppose she supported your wishes and went to the range with you a few times HOWEVER she kind of sucks at shooting (but is proficient enough to at least be making contact with the targets). Next hypothetical, you 2 are camping and you wondered off solo for whatever the reason, and she finds herself alone at the tent and being stalked by a mountain lion or a bear. Knowing her skill level what would you rather have sitting by her side between a long barrel 44 mag Super Redhawk or a Benelli M2 shotgun with slugs/00 buck??

I'm not saying that THIS hypothetical question is what will determine my decision, but it did cross my mind a few times and thought I'd ask. Please don't reply and confuse things if you'd prefer that the animal devours your wife lol.

I'll just say that my guess is, having never fired either yet myself, is I think my girl would have better odds taking down the beast with the shotgun.

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Is a shotgun easier to shoot accurately than a 44 mag?

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