vendredi 14 juillet 2017

Instant SHTF scenario


Originally Posted by sonya1View Post
Too late, I am already paranoid, so go ahead!
Okay, you already have EMP/CME listed. But;

A massive CME could conceivably take out the electric grid in a BAD way. EMP could cause major havoc, but a massive CME would be catastrophic - transformers would literally explode. Have you ever noticed the little "trashcans" on power poles? Substations? Distribution stations? Those things are full of oil. (yes, there are oil-less, but I think they are fairly rare) A distribution station caught fire here in AZ a number of years back, the roads were shut down for an entire grid around and it burned for a few days - they apparently decided it was safer to let it burn out then try to put it out. A "trash can" blew a few miles from my house and set a convenience store on fire.) That oil is a high temp oil intended to act as insulator and coolant, so when it burns, it burns hot. As I understand it, we could potentially have up 16 hours notice if a CME is going to impact Earth (those more knowledgeable please verify/correct). Not much time.

Off shore earth quakes could send large tidal waves ashore, not much height to the land there. Depending upon which side it was on and which side you were on, it could be interesting.

The caverns under Northern Florida are only covered by approximately 100 feet of sediment, most of that is clay and most of that pretty wet. More than active 300 springs are known in that area. It would not take much - theoretically - to saturate it and with just a little bit of shaking... I'll let your imagination do the rest. (This one is a bit odd, they can track it, but don't really, because it is not considered a real risk. Spelunkers usually report any odd conditions.)

Fire. I understand this year is turning out fairly bad? The reports from the late 1920s early 1930s were not overly happy. Plop those burn rates onto today's Florida. Definitely not happy.

Then the truly bizarre: Space debris (can't do much about that, warnings are really only for bus size and larger. Imagine if a VW Bug slammed into the ground anywhere near where you are standing), tsunami from deep offshore/other continent (like what hit Shri Lanka and Indonesia), Okeechobee busting loose. Oh, and that computer model thing a while back depicting La Palma blowing on the scale Vesuvius. Florida was screwed in that model (but you would have some warning, not much, it would still be fast).

I guess it goes back to the whole "ignorance is bliss" thing. A little knowledge and thought can be scary, a lot can be down right terrifying. Worry as a mom should, but just know, in most cases you will have notice. For those you do not, chances are you never would have had notice, so don't fret it too much.

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Instant SHTF scenario

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