dimanche 3 décembre 2017

Polite vs. Cell Phones

I say, "yes sir [mam]" to people of any age when dealing with them.

If someone holds a door for me etc, I say, "Thank you sir [mam].

If I am leaving a store with a shopping cart, the first person I see entering I say, "Here rolls good."

You get the picture. I am universally polite regardless of age, sex, race, etc.

However I have a very low tolerance for those that are rude. One need not be a polite as I am. Most people are not raised in such a way to make that second nature.

I say all that to get to this. I have developed a low tolerance for cell phones. People that drive slow to talk on cell phones. People that cannot check out or order or even get out of the way because they are on their cell phones.

I have been tempted to buy a jammer to click on and off but that is illegal. Only an idiot would cause a wreck because he know a person was not paying attention. I do not like needless laws of that goes against my nature for solving this problem.

I have went off on a person behind me talking so I cannot carry on business at a counter or check out.

Surely someone has an idea for dealing with this.

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Polite vs. Cell Phones

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