vendredi 8 décembre 2017

Preparing for my New Neighbors

Because the baby boom generation did not produce enough tax payers to support them our broke government is importing immigrants to be those tax payers. I am 72 years old. I live north of Detroit. I find that in the city of Detroit where I used to work and in my old suburban neighborhood they are flooded with immigrants (from Obama) and growing. And they are bring in their relatives.

“...Between 2005 and 2016, roughly 9.3 million foreign nationals have come to the U.S. as chain migrants for no other purpose than to reunite with extended family members. In that same time period, a total of 13.06 million foreign nationals have entered the U.S. through the legal immigration system. ...”

“... After President Trump announced the end of the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, both political establishments have scrambled to come up with a plan that gives amnesty to nearly 800,000 to 3.5 million illegal aliens who have been shielded from deportation or are eligible for the DACA program. ...”

“... Such an amnesty deal would trigger a larger chain migration over the next decade — if an end to chain migration is not a part of the deal — that could potentially bring anywhere from one to 19 million new foreign nationals to the U.S. ...”

Comments attached to the article

“...It already has. I had to run into a mall today in a SoCal neighborhood and only 10% of people in there where white. All the rest from God knows where enjoying their EBT card. Each has 2-3 kids or babies in tow. They were third world immigrants living off the system. California is gone. ...”

“... Anyone who lives in New York City Area and Northern New Jersey see the Asian Indians, Chinese, and other foreigners heading to work carrying backpacks and such on the trains, buses, and walking on the streets. You see many foreigners working in the IT, Pharmaceutical, Business, Financial, and other places and many of them don't even speak English or broken English or don't have the education or education and work experience to work at jobs because many of these people created fraudulent resumes in order to get jobs. ...”

Prior to reading this I was a bug in person and an Urban Prepper. Should I change my mind and prepare to bug out if the SHTF because these people could be a threat to me?...

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Preparing for my New Neighbors

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