dimanche 13 mai 2018

buddy passed away today

A guy I served with in Afghanistan, died this morning. He was 38.

What had happened was he was going to "pain management" due to knee problems.He had one replaced, and that was still giving him trouble.The other was worse.

He was getting vic10s for 3 years, and and he told me they had stopped helping. His Doctor told him if he needed to go up, he had to go to a pain specialist.

He went, and the pain doctor wanted to LOWER his meds. So he went back to his primary Doctor and went back to the Vicodin.

He started getting Heroin. Yep.

He told me he was just sniffing it. I told him to go to a different pain Doc. He said he went to several.

PA is on a witch hunt over opioids. I was on them due to back surgery last year. My Doctor was fine giving me them. That said, I went cold turkey when I decided to quite. It was pure hell for 5 days, but I got through it.

Jason needed pain meds because he was in pain. The crap about opioids in this state is making people go to heroin.

I feel like crap. I will miss Jason. When we went to Afghanistan, I was having trouble because I missed my wife and son. Jason always cheered me up. He was a great guy.

I remember the first time we came under fire, I was having trouble changing magazines, and Jason was right next to me ripping away with a SAW. He kept saying "SEE EM? SEE EM?"\

God bless him.

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buddy passed away today

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