dimanche 13 mai 2018

Question for Corrections/Jail Officers

After driving by a rural maximum security prison the other day, the wife and I had a discussion that I'd like to hear from some CO's (and others) on.

As a 20 year cop, I've had the privilege to investigate and/or lock up some true, hideous, monsters. Likewise, I've also dealt with quite a few who committed crimes because of being misguided, immature, or addicted, but weren't 'bad' people. And then others who hadn't committed any monstrous or heinous crimes (sometimes, only relatively minor offenses), but without a doubt would do so if there were no rule of law.

In my opinion, probably 90+ percent of inmates in max/supermax prisons, and 60+ percent in medium security prisons, regardless of their current or previous charges, would absolutely pose a significant risk to the public if there was no rule of law; such as a SHTF or TEOTWAWKI event. They would literally be like kids in a candy store with no adults; wreaking havoc on every person they encounter who they can overpower.

Now, to my question for the CO's... suppose you're at work when a significant, nation changing SHTF event happens. Something that has or will knock out all power/govt/services/etc. on a national or worldwide level, and that we will not recover from anytime soon.

I'm guessing that some or most CO's will stay at work for at least a couple/few days. But, there will come a time when you'll have to leave to take care of yourself and your family. So, what do you do with the inmates? Do you free them? Leave them locked up to starve to death? Execute them? What do you think the majority of your coworkers would choose to do?

Freeing them would gravely endanger everyone who lives nearby, and, ultimately, the public as a whole. But there are serious moral considerations for doing anything else, too. Thoughts?

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Question for Corrections/Jail Officers

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