dimanche 13 mai 2018

Trump Derangement Syndrome

This article, William Bennett: George Will scorns Pence for the high crime of decency, eloquently highlights Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) via the Never Trumper George Will. He makes fun of Will's penchant for unnecessarily using big words. Just a few enlightening excerpts.
  • What is it about proper, genteel, civil, self-effacing men that George Will doesn’t like? It is clearly not that he prefers improper, brash men.
  • Just five months ago, Will declared President Trump “the nation’s worst president” and accused him of “full-throated support of the grotesque.”
  • All this would be laughable were it not for the ultimate consequences of such malevolent backbiting: a return to power of the liberal establishment.
  • Will either does not understand this threat, or he so loathes the president that he is eager to bring liberal Democrats back to power – and take down a good man like Mike Pence in the process – just to validate his own sense of superiority. That may not be oleaginous; it is certainly dyspeptic.
We are not talking about the loyal opposition, who can certainly be forgiven for not supporting the policy of the President not of their party. It's hard to imagine it ever not being this way and explains why President Obama resorted to so much executive actions. The Republican controlled Congress would not work on his agenda and he was unwilling to compromise. But TDS is much more sinister than such action by the loyal opposition. TDS strips those who claim to speak the truth but actually worship political correctness. To them, Trump is not the speaker of the truth, warts and all, but the destroyer of politically correct truth about themselves.

We are talking about those who talk the talk but don't walk the walk. The first time I noticed TDS was during the campaign when Trump was building THE coalition the GOP always said they wanted, which includes "Reagan Democrats," i.e., working blue collar class, including union folks, soccer mom's wanting security for their children, social conservatives and inner city communities. They hated him for HOW he succeeded in doing WHAT they claimed to want. Process over result is the emasculated culture war casualty. We've been so conditioned to be offended, as Ben Shapiro pointed out, people are now offended by facts and truth. There is no HOW to say WHAT, the truth one does not like. Never Trumpers are a particularly virulent strain of TDS.

The most prominent TDS Never Trumper's in living memory are Glenn Beck (who can ever forget his dipping his face in Cheetos?), Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer and George Will. I've heard the expression that the most ardent supporters of a cause are the best reason against the cause. It is profoundly true with TDS Never Trumper's. How committed to their principles are they that they work tirelessly toward a result of having men in power committed to working against these very same principles?

TDS exposes fraud, a need to cull the flock of RINO's who talk the talk but do not walk the walk. Trump never wanted to run for office. Out of a deep sense of duty to country, he stepped into the arena, knowing he would take hits for his life - not lived on a persona level for traditionally approved candidate vetting. Why did he feel obligated to endure all this? The political class has failed America. In particular, those who speak the language of the common man, of the non-politically elite but fancy their own sense of superiority not to have to get their hands dirty - failed America. TDS is the revelation of such corrupt, intellectual frauds of those who say one thing but mean another. TDS = Cognitive dissonance from Truth - Political Correctness. President Trump is a man and like all men, he is imperfect. Therefore, he imperfectly strives to MAGA. Those that oppose him sitting outside the arena, pointing out how the doer of deeds could have done them better are timid souls, with delusions of politically correct and tyrannical grandeur and thus suffer TDS. sic temper tyrannis.

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Trump Derangement Syndrome

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