dimanche 13 mai 2018

Rat snake in the chicken house, plus update on the fig trees

A couple of weeks ago I saw a rat in the chicken house. Since then I have been trying to trap it, but it keeps getting out of the live traps.

Next logical thing to do? Let nature take its course. Few days ago I saw a rat snake (chicken snake) in the chicken house. It was between the pallets under the feed barrel working on something, so I let it take care of business.

Hopefully the snake is taking care of the rodent issues.

Several years ago I planted some figs trees, and they have no done anything. I tried using some miracle grow fertilizer spikes on them, but nothing happened.

This year I decided it was all or nothing, so I am applying around a cup of 6-7-7 fertilizer to the drip line of the tree. In the past 6 - 7 weeks, the fig trees have put on around 8 inches of growth. This is the most growth the trees have ever put on.

One of the fig trees was a late bloomer and started budding out in early May. The other trees had budded out in March - April.

I am going to keep keep applying the fertilizer around every 6 weeks.

Also, I am watering the fig trees every other day. Rather than running a water hose over the the trees every week or so, I bring a bucket of water over to the trees every other day.

Between the water and the fertilizer, the fig trees are doing very well this year.

If the fig trees can keep this type of growth going for the rest of the year, 2019 may give me some good figs.

I thought about using something like 13-13-13 fertilizer, but I thought it may be too harsh for the trees. When the bag of 6-7-7 runs out, I may look for some 8-8-8 for the next round.

Also, I thought about taking some of the manure from under the chick brooder house and putting it around the fig trees before the next big rain. The manure is not fresh and has been collecting there for a couple of years.

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Rat snake in the chicken house, plus update on the fig trees

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