dimanche 1 juillet 2018

Adventures of RobinHood (building a financial bunker)

I noticed in my E-trade account this year that I have paid $800 in commissions. Barf. I decided to test the waters with RobinHood, supposed to be some new commission free trading platform all the young kids are raving about. I was skeptical but figured what the hell...it is FDIC insured and if the trades take forever I can just cancel the account.

I funded it with $2500 using a link from forum member on a different board. That gave me a free share of stock (and they get one too). I figured might as well get something out this.

My free share turned out to be ZNGA, which isn't great (you have a chance to get something good, like Apple or Microsoft though).

The trading is much better than expected and does seem to be commission free. The execution of orders is FAST....faster than E-trade it seems. I even tried option trading and was able to do small orders closer to the bid/ask brackets than I had been able to do before (like if a Jan 2019 option was trading at bid $3.90, ask $4.05 I got a pretty quick (couple seconds) fill at $3.95 for 5 contracts.

I have raised my $2500 to $2670ish in the couple of days I have had the account. I am going to play with it and try to get it to $250,000 over a decade, if RobinHood stays around. I will post some updates occasionally.

If you want to give it a try, here is my invite link where we each get a free stock (please not ZNGA!):


Here is a screenshot of my current portfolio. I am dipping into Geron, to try and do similar to what I did with Endocyte last year (bought $1.20, sold $14).

Anyway it is fun to play with.

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Adventures of RobinHood (building a financial bunker)

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