mercredi 18 juillet 2018

Dangers of Bugging out to the Wilderness in TEOTWAWKI

I know its pretty much every ones' back up plan. But I want to offer a few reasons that I think it will be a bad move.

1. Desperate people: After about 10 days or so once it sinks in that our civilization is over and there is no more rule of law the entitled masses of idiots will be "Heading for the Hills" and ready to do most anything to feed them and theirs.

2. Desperate people hunting: The folks from the city will be crawling over every patch of woods with their guns (probably mostly pistols) shooting at absolutely everything that moves...... Lots of people will be shot and this will lead inevitably to gun fights.

3. FIRE: These same inexperienced and unprepared idiots from every medium sized town and larger that "head for the hills" will be starting "Campfires" to stay warm at night and feel safe...... So yeah, you can expect this to lead to essentially what will be the burning of America. With no fire departments both the cities and the wilderness of the US will burn.... From coast to coast. I think this will happen fairly early into the SHTF..... I think the fire will come in third place for fatalities behind dehydration and starvation.

My feeling is that withing the first year of TEOTWAWKI there will not be much if any wilderness left to live off of. Combine the fires with the melting down of nuke plants and you can expect a "The Road" type of world.

The only safe place will be a bunker IMO.

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Dangers of Bugging out to the Wilderness in TEOTWAWKI

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