dimanche 22 juillet 2018

Florida Stand Your Ground Incident


Originally Posted by hawk55732 View Post
You could be right but I wouldnt think that the sheriff would be the one to decide whether to charge him or not. Isnt that the job of prosecutors?

This could also just be a bad consequence of a badly written law.

Lawyers are notoriously left-leaning on average. Factor in that they're also deviousand underhanded and it quickly becomes clear that this is most likely a stunt by the prosecutor to undermine Stand Your Ground laws. You know, those same Stand Your Ground laws that make their jobs more difficult by protecting legitimate self-defenders' right to self defense.

It's also highly probable that the media are misrepresenting the basic facts of the case. It used to be that malice drove their faithless reporting, but now, after generations of brainwashing, ige come to the conclusion that they fit the facts to one of a small handful of narratives that they were fed in journalism school, as opposed to actually thinking critically about the circumstance.

Between those two phenomena, I will almost guarantee you that an opportunistic political hack of a prosecutor glommed onto an inaccurate media narrative as his best chance to push an anti-2A agenda.

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Florida Stand Your Ground Incident

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