dimanche 1 juillet 2018

How hard is it to kick the power company off?

So.... an older friend of mine has brought up the subject of basically a reverse mortgage.

He doesn't have anyone to leave his property to, not a lot of money, and he's one of us and wants to see his work carried on.

It's better land than mine (motovation for me) and more of it.
And he has quite a few fruit and nut trees, old timber etc.

It's not ventured into "serious discussion" territory yet, but it's worth considering.

His house is old, and not in great shape, but as he puts it "it'll last longer than he will"
(He's not ancient, late 50's, probably last another 20 years based on family history.)

It's also on the edge of his property.
As such I could go past him and to a housing site and be quite secluded, if not as far as my current home.

Selling my place would give me a profit of $50-$85k, (if I didn't subdivide it... I could seriously increase my profit then.) and his whole motovation for this would be steady income... I could get it for less than its worth, 0% interest or something to my ultimate financial advantage since it's the only way he could both sell it and live there the rest of his life. (Which would not bother me at all.)

One of the many things I'd have to consider (please feel free to bring up "other issues") is:
I am off grid, and want to stay offgrid.

Right now power goes to a edge of his property, and goes no where FROM his property. (End of the line)

Is it possible to kick them off, or do they have a perpetual right of way? (I guess it wouldn't kill me to leave it), but I'd probably road flare his house in 20-30 years...

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How hard is it to kick the power company off?

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