mardi 17 juillet 2018

Something You May Not Know About Read ID

Everyone should be aware of Real ID, which is the special version of a drivers license that requires confirmation of your identity. According to the way the original bill was worded in 2005, you will require a Real ID to board a plane or enter a federal building.

I was under the impression that you needed either a Real ID or a passport to fly starting in 2020. In Arizona, the Real ID version of a drivers license is an option, not a requirement. Regardless of whether you get the standard drivers license or the Real ID version, all Arizona drivers license pictures use facial recognition software so your image can be added to a government database.

Also, as Lisa Haven points out in the video, this is driven by a UN mandate that calls for everyone on the planet to have a government ID by 2030. Lots of luck with that.

Big Brother is watching.

Here is the link for those who cannot see the video with IE or Chrome.

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Something You May Not Know About Read ID

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