samedi 14 juillet 2018

Superzoom camera (125x) for SHTF?

There's a line of cameras that you may not be aware of called of called superzoom compact cameras, now you may think these are insanely large in order to have enough zoom, but because of a combo of tiny sensors (sacrificing quality to improve zoom) + huge optics and it achieves ridicolous zoom amounts.

Zoom example from one of them: (but there's a bunch of different cameras with different abilities)
And that's handheld! I would be very tempted to know how it performs with a good tripod.

I was tempted to justify buying one of these as a prep, do you think it would be useful?

I remember I used to have a monocular as a EDC before, one time I needed to get a car registration down and I thought "finally I get to use this!" but even tho I managed to see the registration, I didn't have enough time to read the registration number, and that's when I realized that in order for zooms to be useful they almost need to be attached to a camera.

I would imagine it would make exploring new areas really fun, especially when getting high up at places.

What do you think?

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Superzoom camera (125x) for SHTF?

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