mardi 24 juillet 2018

Take heed of the top 10 medical treatments that make you SICKER than before you took

Pharmaceutical companies don’t pull medicines from the “shelf” just because people are dying from them, they wait until the lawsuit payouts outweigh the profits. For example, the entire vaccine industry is equipped with their own secretive court and hush money that comes from a multi-billion-dollar slush fund. That slush fund is just a tiny fraction of the profits made from marketing bunk vaccines, like flu shots.

There are no more checks and balances in the medical industry. It’s as corrupt and chemical-laden as the cosmetics and pet food industries. Now, more people are dying from chemotherapy than from cancer itself. How is that medicine allowed to be legal? Check the Pharma Death Clock. Over 18,000,000 terminated since the year 2000. And you thought chemotherapy was science-based medicine?

Certain flu shots contain over 25,000 times more mercury than is allowed in drinking water, and it’s being injected directly into pregnant mothers and 6-month-young babies. Talk about getting sicker from medicine. The flu shot is the most dangerous vaccine of them all, but the media keeps completely silent about the “science” all while propagating hysteria. Why else is the flu shot the only free medicine around? Just check your local pharmacy, elementary schools, and most work places.

Then there are antibiotics that kill all the bacteria in your gut, including the good kind. That basically destroys your immunity. If what you have is really a viral infection, then you’re in for a rude awakening.

Did you know that antihistamines shrink your mucus membranes, preventing your body from pushing out the very toxins that cause infection in the first place. Ever wonder why you get a sinus or bronchial infection about a week after you start taking antihistamines?

Fact: 80 percent of people who commit suicide are reported to be on psychiatric drugs (SSRIs) at the time. So is that a side effect or “end effect?”

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Take heed of the top 10 medical treatments that make you SICKER than before you took

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