lundi 23 juillet 2018

Trump Revoking Security Clearances Of Former Officials

My humble opinion is...

If you leave your employer are you not expected to turn in your keys and/or security badge? If you were issued a cellphone or laptop do you get to keep them? Not in my experience.

Classified information is distributed on a need to know basis. If your are no longer employed by the government are you still entitled to be in the loop?

Now some would say once you step outside the circle, you're out. Others would say you're only out until they decide to bring you back in. When it comes to the intelligence services; there's fifty shades of gray. (sorry couldn't refrain.)

Retired intelligence personel are routinely briefed and asked for input as they can provide experienced input. Other examples: Active detectives ask for advice from retired detectives for assistance with investigations. Judges on the bench seek counsel from retired justices regarding rulings.

Then there's the monetizing of having priviliged access angle. The MSM is always willing to pay top dollar for talent. Ratings drive advertising revenues. The more viewers you have the more you can charge for advertising.

Call me cynical but the poles of public opinion are moving further apart, just like our enmies enjoy.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Trump Revoking Security Clearances Of Former Officials

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