vendredi 20 juillet 2018

What type of mask for viral outbreak?


There have been several well known studies. All with mixed results for the standard N95 mask.
A full face respirator works but requires a medical evaluation and a fit test. Medical evaluation will include lung function, etc as some people cannot wear respirators. They can actually die if they wear one.
We wear them occasionally for work when we go into confined spaces.
You can also buy N100 masks. Both the typical N95 and N100 won’t filter viruses or bacteria themselves, but rather they’ll help with the water droplets that carry the virus. Think sneezing.
Better than nothing.
Studies that have been done also show regular hand washing will also help. In one study, an N95 mask AND regular hand washing helped up to 70%. But there’s lots of studies and you’ll get lots of mixed results.

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What type of mask for viral outbreak?

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