vendredi 4 janvier 2019

Signs of Declining Society: Star Wars 3rd Trilogy

In his master piece, The Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler puts forth the hypothesis that decline of a society is best scene in art. I was thinking about this as it relates to the mess that is the 3rd Trilogy (TT) of Star Wars. video does a great job of blasting just the 1st 3 minutes of the last film, the worst Star Wars film ever made, The Last Jedi.

Anyway, I think we can all agree Star Wars has been epic in our culture. Its significance is way beyond film, becoming a part of our culture. And this crystalizes the decline in our society painfully. Just consider the tension leading up to the middle film in the Original Trilogy (OT) and the much maligned Prequel Trilogy (PT), which I actually liked a great deal.

After ESB (Episode V), the epic story was incomplete. Luke v Vader, father v son, good v evil all yet to be decisively resolved. Luke got his ass kicked, Han Solo was captured and the rebellion was on the run. Desperate times in the saga.

Things were even more desperate after AoTC (Ep II) with an intergalactic war that led to billions of deaths at the hands of trillions of battle droids. The Jedi had corrupted their principles ("I can protect you but cannot fight a war for you" gave way to Jedi becoming generals) and Anakin, not only married despite it being against Jedi principles, had succumbed to the dark side in killing sand people - men, women and children. Because we knew the fate of Anakin, the destruction of the republic and the rise of the Sith, we knew even darker times were ahead.

My friends, this is great story telling. The anticipation for the conclusion to these trilogies was enormous as each middle film had created tremendous dramatic tension. By contrast the TT is an unmitigated disaster. The story is incoherent. Ep VII introduced us to the bad ass Knights of Ren and the powerful Supreme Leader Snoke, only to be summarily dispensed in the middle film. The whole plot of Ep VII was to find Luke, only for him to be a parody of himself in EP VIII, throwing his light saber over his shoulder, refusing to fight the good fight!

With Luke, Snoke & The Knights of Ren gone, one wonders why there were introduced in the first place. The sad answer is a decline in our society - including our capacity of story telling. There is no dramatic tension. There is no consideration of the over arching theme - not only for the TT but the larger arch of the 3 trilogies. (The SJW subplots and Mary Sue reinforce the regrettable conclusion Star Wars has become a parody of itself, explained well in the video above).

What is sad is how much better the story could have been! Having read many EU books, Leia became a Jedi Master. She was, in my opinion, among the greatest heroines in all of literature. Her Mary Poppins scene, suggesting force ability was another sad parody. I know I could have done much better, simply adopting from the EU books.

  • EP VII: Continuing with the 3rd generation of the Skywalker bloodline, Leia and Han get married and have twins - Jaina and Jacen Solo. Jacen becomes Darth Caedus, whose dark side power surpasses the Emperor's (not the clumsy, emotionally out of control Kylo Ren).
  • EP VIII: A mysterious outside threat causes, both the Jedi and Sith, to fight it as an obstacle to fighting each other. Jaina confronts Caedus in a spectacular light saber duel in space across multiple ships. But the outside threat prevents this confrontation to be conclusive.
  • EP IX: The PT ends with Dark Side dominating the Light. The OT ends with the Light Side dominating the Dark. The TT's climax is the final balance of the Force as Jaina convinces Caedus to abandon Sith principles but still holds to the Dark Side as they join forces to overcome this external threat - caused by both the Jedi, being too Light leaning and the Sith, being too Dark leaning. Balance.
Instead, we have the epic story of our time reduced to parody and SJW approved sexism! Kathleen Kennedy Says She Doesn't Need To Cater To Male Fans., not suprisingly, leading to . A sad statement of our declining society.

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Signs of Declining Society: Star Wars 3rd Trilogy

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