mardi 1 janvier 2019

The Return of Moccasin

Yes, I'm back. I imagine the reactions to that pronouncement will range from "DANG, I thought we were rid of him for good!" and "Oh, you were gone?" to "Who is this yahoo, and why should we care?" from newbies. As to the latter I can't answer that, but regarding the first part...

I'm a cranky old man who is good with words and calls a spade a spade, a fool a fool, and thinks laying spades upside the heads of fools until they get some sense would be a good idea. Which would probably be a popular attitude here except for who I define as fools. I do not embrace the popular mindset of many posters and refuse to be silent in an echo chamber of mutually reinforcing ideas and attitudes. Especially when I consider many of those ideas and attitudes pseudo-conservative, narrow-minded and unthinking if not completely wrong-headed, and unChristian to boot. And deserving of the boot.

"Moccasin you ignorant slug!" you may say, "that's awfully arrogant!" To which I say, darn skippy. Arrogant is what people who are wrong a lot say about people who are right a lot, and who don't let others forget it.

As to where I have been. Not kidnapped by beautiful alien women to repopulate their planet. Dang. Not laying in a bed, a mindless vegetable. That's only in the movies. And not banned, although it was heading there. A certain poster made an accusation against me. I requested proof, or a retraction. He couldn't provide the one and didn't have the balls, brains, or integrity for the other, and tried to blow me off. I began bringing up the matter in every thread in which we met, along with proof as to his known personal shortcomings and speculation about others. He didn't like that. Neither did the mods, who seemed more concerned about stopping what they saw as a feud than allowing cautions be made to the membership about a false friend. Warnings, infractions, harsh words, things were escalating nicely when I decided, before I went that one step too far, to take some time off and think things over. A few days off turned into weeks, then months, as I discovered:

A) Without constant exposure to the various toxic personalities on this board, I felt better. My outlook improved. My view of humanity remained the same, but at least it didn't get worse.

B) Once I stopped spending hours providing facts to people who weren't interested in truth, explaining reality to those hostile to it, and expressing my worries and concerns to the heedless, I found I had a lot more time and energy. Which I used to my own benefit. When you're young you have all the energy in the world; when you're old, you don't and you have to dole out what you have with care to get things done. Away from SB I gardened, harvested, and preserved, greatly expanded the number of my supply caches, planted fruit trees (lordy did I plant fruit trees), engaged in research, wrote, increased stocks, was a benefit to my community, and in general improved my chances of surviving what I see as rapidly approaching disaster. It is humorous to consider that Survivalist Boards can be detrimental to a person's survival.

C) And I didn't have as many problems with viruses and computer glitches. Advertisements may be on SB to stay, but someone should screen them better.

Given these facts, you may ask why I HAVE returned. Well, it's winter. There's snow on the ground. I can't work outside much. My SAD is killing my energy level. I'm doing things inside as I can but there are times I just lose interest and need outside stimulation, even if it's irritation. And of course, so many of you need me to tell you what you're doing wrong... And those who don't, can use the positive reinforcement. And there ARE some good ideas on this board. Small diamonds among the mountains of dross. And scanning the board the past few days, I note some general changes in attitude from a few months ago. Fewer people insist reality has to be what they say it is. More concern about global warming and the dangers it represents. And a creeping sense that maybe all our troubles AREN'T the result of the Deep State, or global conspiracies, or 'furriners', or some chosen scapegoat group. Maybe the problem is, we HAVE pooched the screw, our previous decisions are coming back to haunt us, and we can't kick the can down the road anymore, the bills are coming due, now.

If such is the case, then posting here may no longer be an exercise in futility and frustration.

And a Happy New Year to you all.

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The Return of Moccasin

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