lundi 25 janvier 2016

UK Government admits Ebola was a threat, UK unprepared for next epidemic

I just read a BBC report that I thought was worth sharing. The link is below.

In short we are not currently able to produce vaccines fast enough to meet demand should we see an outbreak in the UK of Ebola.

"We are also concerned that, in the unlikely but possible event of a domestic outbreak, the UK lacks the capability to go further and manufacture enough vaccines to vaccinate UK citizens in an emergency."

The government was far to slow to react (aren't they always.)

"The report also said "delays were evident at every stage of our response" to the crisis."

And finally, and perhaps most worrying.

"A combination of hard work and chance prevented Ebola spreading further than it did, but a future epidemic may be less containable and spread within the UK as well as overseas."

Key word, chance, good to see the lives of our fellow humans were left up to chance. If this shows anything is that our government is so afraid of jumping the gun when it comes to a reaction to major possible disaster that they probably won't do anything at all until its too late, but I'm afraid this report will fall on death ears and people will continue to think we're all crazy. Very concerning news.

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UK Government admits Ebola was a threat, UK unprepared for next epidemic

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