dimanche 3 avril 2016

Former Black Panther: "Liberalism is slavery".

I cracked up at, "Clarence Mason Weaver was once so filled with hatred towards white people in America, that he broke up with a girlfriend who had a white dog..."
But seriously, based just on this, I'm liking this guy more than Trump for POTUS.


"........A formerly hate-filled, Berkeley Black Panther liberal, Weaver is a black conservative who now holds strong views on Black Lives Matter, the first black president and how America can heal its racial divide......
.....As to his views on the first black president, Weaver continues his bold, unique tirade with “Barack Obama hates America.”
“His job is to divide by differences and manage our differences,” he says.
“He has done nothing but drive us apart. [He] hates America.” Weaver then adds, “It doesn’t matter what color the pimp, the drug dealer, the con artist is.”
“What would happen in black America if we forgave, real or imagined, the wrongs that we have?” he asks. “As a Swahili-speaking, black history-studying, militant, Black Panther-hanging out man. As a black man, wearing my dashiki and my black beret,” he notes. “What would happen is healing, progress and success with family reunification.”

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Former Black Panther: "Liberalism is slavery".

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