vendredi 1 avril 2016

So, will Obama stay in the U.S. or flee?

Think about his situation and what he might do after the elections and the new president is sworn in in January of 2017. If the new president is a Republican, Obama will be in a world of hurt because of all the investigations which will be launched against him and his administration for corruption, graft and so on.

If Hillary wins, Obama again ends up on the chopping block because you know she's vindictive as all get out. On a good day she's treacherous any way and she's been known to carry a grudge for years and years. Obama has GOT to know that she will remember how he beat her election efforts 8 years ago and she will seek revenge against him.

So, what say you? Will he run off to another country? Will he stand and fight? Will he go to jail?

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So, will Obama stay in the U.S. or flee?

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