samedi 20 août 2016

Prostate Cancer? & Blood in the semen - anybody else??

so, ive had prostatitis for several years now. I had been on 5mg of Terazosin for about 5 years, then up to 10 mg for 3 years. My urinary symptoms got pretty bad, urge to go became constant, many bathroom trips but couldnt force it, never emptied, and very low pressure stream.

Recently had an exam (hurt like freakin hell!) and doc started me out on two new prescriptions, Finasteride 5 mg and Tamsulosin 0.4 mg every night, then he put me on a one week course of one antibiotic and after that a two week coarse of another. ive finished with the last antibiotic about a week ago.

Im still somewhat symptomatic but had a scare this weekend! After being with the wife I found that i have blood in my semen now!!! and no, it wasnt from her (just trust me on this, no explanation, but no, not from her......)

There was no injury, i am not on significant blood thinners, im 47 years old, multiple diagnoses (controlled diabetes, fibromyalgia, arthritis, severe sleep apnea, controlled high blood pressure, recent aneurysm repairs, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, serious neuropathy in extremities blah, blah, blah...)no STDs (only with the missus for, well, ever, shes my one and only!).

My worry is my genetics. Of my illnesses/disorders/injuries, i had them at a younger age than my dad, from 5 - 6 yrs younger for my back going out (him 33, me 28), high blood pressure 10- 12 yrs younger, and 20 plus years younger for an aneurysm (complex, large, 3 surgeries as chronicled here in the health section).

Now to this problem; dad died in January of very aggressive prostate cancer at the age of 71. He fought it for 4 years but it took him quickly. NOTE: i was alone with him the morning he died..... Im glad it was me & not my mom or brother, it was very very bad....

Anyway, with my prostate problems already nearing 10 years and the fact i got such a severe aneurysm and other illnesses so much younger than him, im a little concerned that im precancerous/early cancer stage.

Have any of you guys (or gals with significant others) have had blood in the semen? shouldnt be any more infection of the prostate after nearly a month of antibiotics right?? I am gonna call the doc on monday and tell him of it, see what he says. Im just looking for any of you that have had this and your experiences, including if you're dealing with prostate cancer.

I know that im gonna die some day, we all do, and with my issues and genetics ill be lucky to live past 55 - 60. I just want to know whats going on so i can make the best i can of the time ive got and NOT drag my family through a long bout of "fighting" prostate cancer and running up huge bills for the family, i wont do it. i saw how hard it was on my mom & dad and how badly my aneurysm surgeries hurt our finances two years ago.....

Any wisdom/experience you have will be welcome!

EDIT TO ADD: forgot to add, i am more fatigued than usual, was doing well 2 months ago but since then, its gotten worse. low appietite, and losing some weight...

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Prostate Cancer? & Blood in the semen - anybody else??

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