samedi 2 juin 2018

The MARK, chip replaces debit and credit cards

This is an economic thread, (rather than a religious one or spiritual one)..... as paper currency, especially the American dollar is over valued and the American economy will break its bubble as it is in total debt....and will bring down other currencies connected to it.

Of course the stock market will crash, thats a given as it is propped up and manipulated.... the question is when. Id say sooner than later, as the Mid East War will start in earnest again, and markets and trade wars will increase as WW# almost comes, but is averted.

Its a tough time, in the very near future or lets say after this summer.

Then comes a shallow peace for a few years until TSHTF, in a nuclear war...

For then the now emerging Russian/Chinese monetary system will take over for obvious reasons, as they right now are buying gold to stabilize their own currencies and selling dollars and bonds.

The tide is changing and it takes a while to establish a different more secure and so called stable system that the whole world of the nuclear victors will demand.... and I do mean demand.

You either have the MARK or microchip in your hand or you will NOT be able to buy or sell...period. Matter of fact, if you attempt to do so without your ID, financial, health records recorded on your implanted chip, you will be taken away.... and lets say terminated or your account terminated...the old fashioned way.

This is not a pipe dream or a fantasy of a few, but an ongoing process in financial circles of the wealthy and elite (also called the ****). Study the cashless society that is being put in place....

Study gold manipulation, buying and selling, study national alignments away from the old non gold based A. currency, study BRIC, and be forwarned, to be for-armed with enough finances to try and survive....



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The MARK, chip replaces debit and credit cards

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