samedi 21 juillet 2018

Not progressing fast enough with my preps

I've made enormous progress the last 2 years regarding prepping, and I pretty much spend my entire day every day prepping (I count my job as a form of prepping, as I use the salary for buying preps). Basically I never take lazy breaks (no "going to the movies", playing games or whatever)..

...yet I never seem to really reach any milestones, I wish I could say that "ok I'm not ready for apocolycs yet but at least I'm ready for a 7 day blackout" but the fact of the matter is even if I come up with some really basic scenario I can come up with 20 things I haven't prepared for even the most basic scenarios. Hell, sometimes I'm even going out hiking realizing I don't even have the hiking gear I want! (yet I seem to have been spending a fortune on boxes upon boxes of "survival"/"outdoors gears")

On the one hand it feels like I will reach milesstones around the corner, yet every time I go around the corner it seems I realize there's 50 more things that needs to be done.

I guess partially I just wanted to vent, I guess also my question is if anyone ever came up with any game-changing ways to insanely save time.

All thought I'm not rich, I'm considering hiring some kind of assistant, as that's the only thing I can think of that could possibly free up several hours per day. But even there I fear the time I would spend finding the right one would then be counterproductive if 4 months later she decides to move on to something else.

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Not progressing fast enough with my preps

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