dimanche 22 juillet 2018

How low do you think you'd need to go?

I've got back in the habit of going to gunshows (and having a table since I don't walk so good.)

Mostly so I can enjoy the show and look around and not have to walk around. If rather pay and go to a Gunshow vs spend the money on a movie.

I may buy, trade, or sell. I may not.
I'm trying to get rid of my "lower class" firearms and keep the good ones, or just get things that interest me. (Or... Since I cannot shoot my FR8's anymore I'm just keeping the best one for the collection and selling the rest.) As an example.

I've casually noticed that I have $10-$15k on the table at any given show.

Had a conversation with a buddy about how he had bought the winning lottery ticket, and he was going to buy my entire table. (Obviously before the drawing)
That turned into a discussion of a guy who would do exactly that (sans lottery winnings)
He would want something on the table, make an offer (lower than market natually) and cash out a guys whole table.
Then he would keep what he wanted and sell off the rest to cover the whole thing.

Wouldn't work on me as I'm showing up for the fun of it and don't need the money.
But it's an interesting tact, and I know that some guys would jump at it.
Some of those guys NEED to make sales.

It has me curious what kind of price \%\discount \chunk of change would pull that off.

Obviously it depends on the person. (I've got some GREAT deals by getting some guys a few hundred on a Sunday afternoon.)
Others couldn't care less.

Couple guys I talk to have high dollar colts, Smith's etc. They will spend $3k on a clean example without blinking. and then be ready to do it again.

But it's late, I'm bored and remembering these conversations from a couple months ago.

So how about it?
What would it take for you?
Would you take 80% (of the tables value) but not 60%?
80% if it was more than $5k or 60% if it was more than $10k?
(Does this question make sense?)

I'm trying to get general feelings because I'm considering doing it.
2 shows ago a guy was joking\not joking about selling his entire gun store inventory due to age. I could tell it wouldn't be a big enough of a discount to interest me, (due to his posted prices and talking to him) but a buddy is getting a FFL.
We could do it.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

How low do you think you'd need to go?

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