lundi 25 février 2019

Adopted a dog today

Got this girl today from a guy at work. It has so far killed 4 of his chickens and he said it had to go. Guy was serious too. Those chickens provide food for his family and this particular dog was not learning to leave them alone.

I liked this guys dog (this one - not the other) and joked with him more than a few times about trading him one of my Dobermans for it (the one with billy goat DNA in the mix - not the 'good' one). When she killed that last chicken he offered her up for free.

Poor girl is freaked out at the change in her world and not touching her food or water. No potty coming out of her either. Neither outside or in.

She is a smidge over one and god only knows what the heck she is. Sweet as pie, very friendly towards me, walks great on a leash (no pulling), somewhat timid (borderline fearful), formerly an 'outside dog' and not potty trained for crap...

Taking her to the Vet tomorrow to get her a checkup and all of her shots. Pray to god she does not have heartworms cause that is freakin expensive and not really in my 'dog budget' right now. Previous owner has not spent crap on this dog as far as shots, heartworm tests / preventatives, etc. Not judging him for how he cares for his animals but... I plan to take care of the stuff he didn't.

One of my Dobermans wanted to attack this dog as soon as she saw it and the other seems 'sortof' interested and much less aggressive towards it. When the interested Dobergirl went to go smell the crate that Astraia is in - She got a pretty ugly warning from the new girl in short order.

Plan to keep them separated for a good while till they all figure out what is going on here and learn the rules. New girl does not seem bothered by her crate at all (thank god the previous owner at least crate trained her and got that right). No fussing, no whining whatsoever when she is inside. Just calm dog hanging out... Dobergirls are the same way. If I tell one to get in her crate - She gets her butt in there and will do her best to stay till I tell her she can come out. Almost have them trained with the 'open door' crate thing but still have work to do to get them 100% there. (when you train them that STAY in the crate means STAY in the crate no matter if you close / latch the door or not)

Told the guy that I would give him a six pack of baby chicks to replace the ones that this dog killed as soon as I see them at TSC. Should not be long before they have those available. Will likely get a him a few bags of feed to go along with them and do whatever else I can do to help him get them growing right. (he will need better lights and a proper coop for sure - plan to help him get there)

I think I did pretty good here. 6 chicks for a dog that seems to like me and does not try to drag me around when on the leash...

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Adopted a dog today

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