dimanche 24 février 2019

Should women be forced to register for the draft?

Gosh, the retards are coming out of the woodwork. Putting women in combat was a BIG mistake. FORCING them into combat is just beyond stupid.

A civilization is judged by what it values. Allowing women in combat was a nod to feminism at the expense of combat readiness. Women are to be cherished, and the few who wanted to go into combat weee not only a logistical nuisance, but a leverage point that our enemies could use to force or shame us into untenable positions.

But forcing them into combat commoditizes them, which is diametrically opposed to the cause of true feminism. This commoditization may be in line with the goals of Third Wave feminism, but it presents additional problems, the largest of which is that women do not have the same value as men. As soldiers, they are, on average, significantly less valuable, but anthropologically speaking, they are infinitely MORE valuable than men.

If the human race ever had to decide between the spontaneous death of all but a small number of men versus all but a small number of women, we would have to admit that men are the only ones who are expendable. This is why men are traditionally the ones who take on the dangerous tasks. Massive numbers of men can die, and the effects on the population wouldn't be that damaged in the long term.

Any country that forces its most valuable and most vulnerable into a dangerous situation for which they are less suited, when there are expendable and competent men standing idle, is in the death throes of its own suicide.

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Should women be forced to register for the draft?

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