vendredi 22 février 2019

Well, maybe there is some hope....

And from Maryland of all places.....

Maryland Sheriff Says It Will Be CIVIL WAR Before Gun Confiscation

Its a fairly long read, but worth it.

Not sure how much power the Sheriffs have here in PA, as they really arent considered "Law Enforcement" in the general sense. They are more "officers of the court" and handle that end of things. They dont do what most would consider "police work". Thats the job of the local police, in the populated areas, and the State Police, out here in the hinterlands.

The local police on the other hand, can vary quite a bit in their thinking, who they answer to, and how they respond to things. I think a lot of that depends on where you are in the state.

The Chief in the small, rural township where I used to live, was the head of our local JBS chapter, big on the Constitution and reining in government, and constantly at odds with the DA over things, especially when it came to asset forfeiture. The DA was hot on that, and was a real threat there for just about anyone in the county.

The Chief ended up leaving his job over it, as he wasnt enforcing things that the DA insisted he should, and in a couple of cases, went against him totally.

He seemed to be well liked by most in the township, and it was not a good thing that he left. His replacement wasnt as Constitutionally oriented and more of the follow the rules type, than one who questioned.

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Well, maybe there is some hope....

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