vendredi 22 février 2019

Something to ponder...

Recently a suspect was arrested who was contemplating a very large scale murder spree. He hoped to kill off many, many Americans. Right now, we are on the edge of time where sooner or later a terrorist or probably a group of terrorists will one day strike one of our large, liberal anti-gun bastions and roll up a tally of dead citizens that will reach into the millions of dead. I'm not sure how they will do the dirty deed, maybe by using chemical or biological weaponry, but the key is that as you read this message there are people plotting such a massive kill strike against us.

Just for reference ideas, what do we all think our fellow members should look for as warning signs? I'll start off...

#1. I tend to believe that any group of terrorists will try to hit a soft, fat target at a prime or peak time. That means that they'll try to hit an anti-gun bastion because cities where guns are a no-no, like Chicago, New York City, Washington, D.C. and so on means that the civilian population is more unlikely to be able to defend themselves in an emergency situation. Terrorists will also want to use timing, like socialists do, to their advantage. That means that they will want to strike at a group of sheep probably between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. as people move around in the congested areas of a business area like a downtown setting.

#2. Terrorists will want to use the most effective, long term and scary means of hitting at a designated target(s). Keep in mind that an organized group of terrorists could time their attacks across our country to strike at up to 4 or 5 targets like they did on 9-11. This next time I would look for the attackers to have plans to hit targets near coastlines and have escape routes that allow them get out to sea and to outgoing ships. I can see strikes being done to a couple or 3 cities on the east coast, a couple or 3 cities on the west coast and maybe a couple on the Gulf Coast. I actually see such an attack system involving like a total of 5 cities, 2+2+1. If or when such attacks occur, I would look for the terrorists to try to use some sort of weaponized virus, maybe H1N1 type virus, to spread beyond the original attack points or starting points of where they launch the disease.

#3. If they launch such an attack, the attackers will use some sort of unusual method of attack such as use of airplanes used for spraying chemicals over fields. Almost nobody would think anything about planes like that flying over Chicago, NYC or Washington until it was too late and the planes had dumped a load of chemicals, poison or other lethal substances in the air. By the time the substance started to take control and kill off people, the airplanes would be long gone and maybe at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico or at the bottom of an ocean. The question is: What would be the most deadly form of attack that a group of terrorists could launch against a defenseless American city? What should our member look for in order to better prepare them to avoid such potential danger? Would having a gas mask on hand be enough? Would a gas mask and a chemical repellant suit work?

Give this some thought from a defensive concept to help other people plan ahead.

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Something to ponder...

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