mardi 26 février 2019

Breaking News: UK Political Activists, Face Book Suspensions.

I'm putting this on here, instead of the UK section, as this needs to be seen.

Face Book has today suspended the accounts of Raheem Kassam, Danny Tommo, Caolan Robertson, Gordon James, Carl Pearson, Reece Coombes, Darrell Goodliffe, Jason Smith, Damien Heads, Tommy Robinson, Jonathan Wong, John McGoogan, Richard Inman & a few dozen more. (I'm still trying to collate who else this has affected.)

All of the above are active Brexiteers, either politically involved with UKIP or run blogs or right wing news outlets.

This is nothing less than a purge against the proponents of a no deal Brexit & the fact that it has happened on the same day that the UK government has set in motion a way to circumvent Brexit means that it probably isn't a coincidence. I will go as far as saying that it's a state run manipulation of social media to shut down political opposition & something that I would never have dreamed would happen in the UK!

Needless to say, there will be a reaction against this. What it will be, I can't say? But when over a thousand years of our proud history is being betrayed by our own politicians, then it will probably be something big.

If I've got one thing to say to you Yanks, it's to fight tooth & nail for your Second Amendment rights. They wouldn't be treating us like this if most of the population was armed....

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Breaking News: UK Political Activists, Face Book Suspensions.

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