samedi 23 février 2019

why is it that everyone says Trump is anti 2A

Default why is it that everyone says Trump is anti 2A

Every time I see a post about Trump being against the 2A I ask the poster to explain to me why they say that. I have not got a response back from the first one as of yet. I point out that the only thing Trump has done is to ban Bump Stocks. I want to be perfectly clear, a bump stock is not a firearm, it is an accessory to a firearm. And even though full auto is fun to shoot, in my opinion it is not only wasteful but unnecessary as well. I will admit there is evidence that Trump said something about taking guns but I would like to know, what legislation has he passed to ban any kind of firearm. He says dumb stuff all of the time, I am not denying that. But it is my opinion he has done more for this nation in two years than any other president since Reagan. So if you are going to say Trump is anti 2A, at least have the balls to back up your claim with evidence.

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why is it that everyone says Trump is anti 2A

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