dimanche 24 janvier 2016

Foundational Knowledge.

I posted a similar thread some time back on another forum, but I would like to ask folks here how they feel about one aspect of survivalism and preparedness that is a huge pet peeve of mine.
Foundation knowledge.

What is that?

Well lets start here:

Knowledge of these things that make up the survivalist movement and the prepper movement is based on specific knowledge. I have said before here and with everyone I know that such knowledge could be invaluable but what about the elements of that knowledge?

Knowing how to shoot, clean and repair various forms of guns, weapons in general and all associated aspects, the knowledge base to build shelter, bug out, make clothing, hunt fish, evade, create signals, community aspects, etc are key to the concept of survivalism.

Now what about what takes up the basics? These basics include basic reading and writing skills, basic understandings of wood, how to create fire, science to some level, mathematics, levels of medicine, architecture, history etc.
This is foundational knowledge.

The opposition to the survivalist movement is typically the left but not always.

Certain groups of those on the right and who are typically the wealthy gentry class also despises the survivalist movement, because it means that you do not rely on their services and products.

Farming is despised in certain groups because it means independence. But such knowledge is more than “farming”. This includes how to sharpen a blade of any sort. Plowing the fields, knowledge of husbandry, how to smith iron filings and/or ore. Making glass, turning and cutting wood, and the list goes on.
But they all come back to the foundational knowledge of the two basics of education.

The classic liberal arts of the Trivium and Quadrivium.

The Trivium is the foundations and rules of basic language. Also known as the three “R”s.

Reading: the ability to see and recognize words and symbols.

wRiting: the ability to repeat those symbols and make them on paper.

Rhetoric: The ability to compose and use in an artful and knowledgeable manner the language you know.

The Quadrivium:

Numbers: Including the VERY basic knowledge of numbers. Understanding the concept of “0” or Zero. Nothingness. The knowledge of the number 1 etc.

Geometry: The ability to understand basic and complex shapes and their relationship to numbers and how numbers control those shapes.

Music: Not only how to play a mean Dueling Banjos on your Gibson, but the interrelated aspect of how music is represented by and of numbers, math and even geometry.

Cosmology: Understanding the cosmos and the relationship directly to numbers, geometry and even music.

The higher sciences of Higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy along with their relationship with the lower arts.

Symmetry in numbers and biology and the list is endless.

How much emphasis is there to the general folks on this thread of that knowledge?

Do you oppose such for any reason?


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Foundational Knowledge.

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