vendredi 22 avril 2016

Check out my plan to live off the grid (:

Teen looking to live off the grid in a few years after finishing trade school or college. Which ever i decide to go to. I figure i'd rent an apartment while attending these schools, get a good job, save up money, then buy some land right off the bat in order to build my own cabin out in the woods some where. I figure it'd save me lots of money and i'd love living away from society and the city. Any way's, here's my plan. Would love to get some feed back on it, and please don't judge me (: thanks. (also i'm pretty set on living off the grid. Have been since i ws little so there's no changing my mind lol. All there's left to do now is create a proper plan and do a lot of research)


Go to trade school for plumbing and get an apprenticeship. Start a small plumbing business and save up some money. Then i could buy some land out in the woods somewhere and build a nice small log cabin since their actually pretty cheap to build compared to living in an apartment or buying a house. From there i could start to live cheaply and off the grid. I wouldn't need to depend on a water supply because i could have my own private source of water. I can dispose of my waste in an environment-friendly way and have no need to be connected to sewer lines and paying for plumbing. I can be relieved from power bills since i'll be able to generate my own power with solar panels and use alternative fuels or wind power to make up any deficit. You see? I could live cheaply and cut out many costs that would have other wise been required for me had i been living a city life. My plumbing business would be nice and would make me a good living, plus the land i'll be on can be expanded as well and i could build as many more houses as i want on it or even perhaps a freaking barn. Instead of taking what's given to me, why not take an apartment fresh out of high school, go to trade school and get a good job, save up and buy some land and be nothing but creative right from the start? I could save more money buy exercising naturally such as riding a bike or something instead of getting a gym membership, i can hike, or go swimming. Living off the grid would also allow me to improve my survival skills and i could learn to hunt and work for what i get. I think this life style would be great for me. I could find a nice beautiful lady to live with, and if we decide to have kids, they can be home schooled online.

I can have a garden and grow food to have an even cheaper amount of money i have to spend, i can also build a farm and get farm animals to save money on eggs, or milk, or meat, etc.

Before jumping into this straight away in my twenties, i plan to rent out a cabin in the woods perhaps to see how it really is living a life style like this. Then once i've made up my mind, i'll plan out when i'll start to do everything.

Why take a house that has already been built for me in the city when i can put in sweat and tears to build my own home?


This is by know means a full plan, i still want to do some thinking over it and dd to it over time. So far though, what are your opinions?

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Check out my plan to live off the grid (:

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