samedi 23 avril 2016

Panic Rooms?

Just how tinfoil hat is a panic room?

I have a dry cold storage type room in the basement. I use it for stockpiling supplies. Bottles Water, Food stuffs, Hygiene Products, Etc. It is also doubling as my reloading room.

it's not a corner room, but does have two cinder block walls. It wouldn't be hard to block up the other two walls of the room the same way and hang a heavy duty door and suitable barricade style lock. I often come across cinder blocks for free so there would be little expense to doing it.

The idea has crossed my mind of doing this in the past but I always just brushed it off as unnecessary.

Things have changed though. I am now away from home more and more. My last deployment with the reserves was almost 6 months and the next 3 will be 4 months of training each year. Between deployments I'm taking up truck driving and am often gone 3-4 days a week. This leave my wife and daughter home alone quite a bit more than I am really comfortable with.

I do live in Canada, and in a very good neighborhood in Canada, so the likelihood of something bad happening while I'm gone is remote. Worst we've seen around here is the occasional car broken into for the change in the ashtray, and even that was in the urban center a few miles away.

Is this something I should be considering or is my tinfoil hat just getting too tight? Maybe just a sturdier door and lock and forget the cinder blocks as a compromise?

What would you do?

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Panic Rooms?

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