mercredi 27 septembre 2017

Advice on surviving a nuclear attack in a UK town?

I'm thinking the chances of this are not good, regardless of preparation. However, since I have kids I'd like to some kind of plan to improve the odds should there be any at all. The situation in with the US and North Korea looks a bit concerning, and should a world war ensue I wouldn't be surprised if the UK was the first to join with team USA. So here's what I've come up with so far:

1) Be ready to receive an alert should one come. Too bad it's not at all clear what kind of alert would be sent in my country! I imagine it may well include text message like in some other countries. I'm guessing it would still make a sound if my phone was on silent, but would not get pushed through if it's on airplane mode. So I suppose I'll have to start leaving my phone connected at night, or is there another way?

2) Hope the attack is far enough away that the main danger will be the radioactive fallout. I know chances of that would improve greatly if we moved to the countryside, but I'm not going to quit my job and uproot all our lives unless the risk starts looking a lot more immanent. Nor could I think of investing in land and a full scale bunker.

3) If away from home we follow the advice on the US government's website. If at home, I suppose we should all climb into the car maintenance pit in our detached garage and then replace the wooden cover on it (that's myself, my wife and our kids of 4 and 6). Since it's just below ground level I guess that means it's a better choice than the ground floor of our house (2 stories plus attic)? There is no better public building in our area.

4) Stay in that cramped, dark pit for 2 weeks to avoid the worst of the fallout?! There'll be about 15 tins of fish and meat + can opener, and I'll be adding more to that stock soon. Also about 20 litres of water and a British Berkefeld gravity filter to run it through in case it's gone bad (I don't see myself taking the time to replace old water often).

I imagine this would be completely awful, not to mention unhygenic. We'd also have to ration the water and food heavily. But if we were far enough away to only be hit by the fallout, my guess is that we might well end up thirsty, hungry, miserable, but alive.

I'd appreciate any of your thoughts on this plan!

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Advice on surviving a nuclear attack in a UK town?

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