lundi 25 septembre 2017


I was in the mountains over the weekend and saw something strange. I did not have my phone with me at the time, or I may have tried to capture it on video. I was busy with something and heard a strange sound from the air above me. I looked up and saw two 'birds' flying in formation like fighter planes do. Their cry was unusual and I had never heard it before and at first I thought they were geese. I thought that one could shoot them down until I realized how high they were. They were higher than any normal bird would fly. Yet they still looked really big. I would estimate that they were several times bigger than any bird I have ever seen. The other funny thing is they were flying from point A to point B with a determined purpose, not like other birds.

I would estimate that these things were as big as a small airplane. They hardly moving their wings when they flew, mostly soared, unlike geese or ducks. Interestingly they came from an area that I saw a UFO disappear behind the mountains the night before. Maybe this place I was in is a location that strange events take place, because I have seen some other strange things there before. Has anyone ever seen such creatures before?

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