mardi 26 septembre 2017

Would you buy a 2009 northern truck? rust?

I wouldn't care if it was rust free, $15k for a 'burban going on 9 years old with 140k miles is steep. $10-11k max is more inline with local prices in my area for that truck. Unless you absolutely need the extra cargo room with the 3rd row up I would look into Tahoe's. They are a lot more common on the secondary market and tend to be more reasonably priced.

As for rust, it all depends on the previous owners and how diligent they were. If it was stored in a garage and/or sprayed down after driving in salty slush/mush that the roads are covered in after a big storm it could still be as clean as a southern or western truck.

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Would you buy a 2009 northern truck? rust?

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