jeudi 28 septembre 2017

Violence is Violence. Cops vs. Trained Fighters

Cop vs. Boxer:

2 Cops vs. 1 Boxer:

Prison Guards vs. Boxer:

More evidence that Pretend Fighting and Pretend Hitting, doesn't really mean anything when up against trained fighters who technically are fighting to the death, on a regular basis. Trained fighters just don't kill each other b/c good sparring partners are hard to find.

Real violence usually starts out with a punch to the face, which works just the same in the ring as it does in the street. The main objective/goal is to KO someone the **** out. If you get KO'ed, not only do you lose but you can die. In the ring, rarely anyone dies due to the fight being stopped and the other guy gets a trophy....but in the street, you're unconscious and your life is now, usually, in the hands of your opponent/attacker. 2-5 stomps and/or soccer kicks to your unconscious head.... should crack your skull open, causing your brain to ooze out; and you die...if that's what he wants.

The highly effective skill set trained (and employed) to accomplished this KO and possibly ending in your death, is just regular, garden variety....BOXING. What can SAVE you from this violence, is this exact same skill set of Boxing.

Kimbo Slice vs. Boston Cop, Gannon (who later lost in his UFC debut in like under a minute to a relatively unknown Fighter):

Then if you want to get even better at Self Defense and or Offense, you would graduate to Full MMA to train more aspects of real violence.

Cop vs. FireFighter and get shot to death:

A BJJ Blue Belt (1-1.5 year training) should be able to easily handle this guy.

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Violence is Violence. Cops vs. Trained Fighters

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