dimanche 24 septembre 2017

Hillary Clinton 2017 Lying, Crying &Denying Tour

Hillary has MANY things to blame for her stunning defeat. But she really has only one group to THANK for letting her reemerge to fight another day instead of now rotting in jail for perhaps 20 years with no chance of ever serving or mooching off of government.

Thank you Republicans, especially Sessions for turning a blind eye to the myriad of scandals in the Clinton and Obozo administration. Were it not for spineless Republicans, Clinton would have had a special prosecutor and Lynch and all the other sycophants would be in jail now... maybe even Obozo himself! Republicans may have won the house, senate, potus and scotus and 1000+ other seats but they let the Democratic Party take over the IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, Dept of state and most other government agencies. They will be known as the party that built and defended the swamp.

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Hillary Clinton 2017 Lying, Crying &Denying Tour

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