mardi 26 septembre 2017

Buying into stocks

I've been out of the stock market since 2001, sold everything off the day the market reopened after 9/11 and have been in hard assets ever since. Fast forward to today and I'm looking for some returns/yield on some of my money that has been pretty much stagnant the entire time and I'm getting tired of it. Just dumped 40k of my silver yesterday,plan is to dump another 40-60k and throw it to dividend etfs. I'll still be hanging on to a couple thousand oz of silver and won't be touching my gold.

Feels a bit strange going against the grain that I've walked for so many years but I'm also looking at a lot gains that I've missed out on, . The income junkie in me says do it but the chicken little in me says I'm nuts, Wish me luck!

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Buying into stocks

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