mercredi 27 septembre 2017

The Left and their final solution for America

Almost weekly do we see another attack from the left on American values. They claimed Russia decided our elections, they told us that our police are murderous racist who do nothing but kill innocent black people.

-Then we all witnessed the attacks on history itself with the removal of statues and landmarks across the country. A move that was right from the ISIS playbook.

-My wife a public school teacher and other white teachers are being blamed for not understanding the black child and how he/she should be educated. They are being forced to teach lies about black history and more specifically black inventions that never happened.

-Now we are being told that it's okay to kneel, turn our backs, not come out of the locker room or otherwise disrespect our most sacred national anthem. Even school children are emulating these behaviors.

What's so shocking is that America is the most tolerant, most giving, most prosperous, most successful, most benevolent, most accepting nation in the history of the world. It's become cool to disrespect this great nation.

No our nation hasn't been perfect in every single action but I would put up America to any nation on this planet in the history of mankind by far.

The Final Solution:

(IMHO) the left wants to create such a level division and general chaos that we'll see the forceful removal of our President, members of Congress or anyone else they label as "racist" or "haters" that will be defined by the leftist powers. Then the re-writing of our Constitution and bill of rights. They simply can't do it with these pesky elections that have so frustrated them.

That's my take. Am I wrong?

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The Left and their final solution for America

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