samedi 23 septembre 2017

How to network with USEFUL people? (not just preppers)

I'm a city boy, I work in a field that will be USELESS after the Web 2.0 bubble, all my co-workers are ultra-liberals who's never touched a hammer in their life..

but.. I shouldn't complain, because the salary is great. The Rural parts of New Zealand on the other hand, super low wages. (If I've understood it right, Country men in US can still make a good living, but apparently much more difficult in rural NZ).

So although I can't make the move to become a cowboy, I would still like to start expanding my network to beyond just computer guys.

In an ideal world I would specifically network with preppers, not just for obsessing about SHTF but in general they would be people who knows about wide variety of useful things, but where I live in NZ preppers either don't exist or they are super good at keeping a low profile. (I want to think the ladder, but I suspect the former). Also even if the occational prepper exists, I rather have less than perfect friends in my nearby region than perfect friends in the other side of the country.

Therefor I'm trying to think of ways to network with useful people, even if they're not preppers.

1) What are useful people to network with?
2) How do you meet them?

Here's some of my brainstorm:
1) What are useful people to network with?
*People who knows stuff about BUILDING. Even if the SHTF never happened (haha) they are so useful to know.
*people who have firearms: If it's one thing I'm starting to finally de-learn from hollywood is what a bad idea it is to be rouge like Rambo

2) How do you meet them?
*Hunting. I'm gonna try to find some hunting courses or groups
*Martial Arts classes. Might have combat focused dicipline people there, although so far my experience with that has been that they are so 100% focused on their sport that they know nothing else.
*Gun club
*Offroad clubs
*Airsoft clubs
*Dating: unfortunately not a good way to meet prepper types, but I've made many other useful contacts through dating.

*Some say Church, I would consider that but I'm skeptical

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How to network with USEFUL people? (not just preppers)

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