mercredi 27 septembre 2017

Violent Protests: Is Antifa necessary?

This is an article written by a Canadian that appears to be Middle Eastern and probably Muslim. That is my conjecture:

Abdullah Shihipar is a writer based in Toronto. His work has appeared in Jacobin, ThinkProgress, NOW Magazine and CANADALAND.

"Even if one disagrees with Nazis, surely, there are better ways of dealing with them than through methods of violence. I once held this position until I started going to anti fascist rallies in my city and witnessed for myself what transpires. Anti-fascist violence is fundamentally misunderstood. Dismissed as reckless and unnecessary, it is actually a last resort tactic that is born out of necessity and meticulous planning."

A Canadian Muslim justifying violence. Not in the least ironic is it. This is the far left lunatic mindset we are dealing with. I believe it is extremely dangerous to you and I and to law and order. The author States there are six deaths caused by "white supremacists". Really? Where? When?

This article justifying vigilante violence over thoughts, beliefs and free speech. I do not condone white supremacists or Nazi's that seem to be everywhere to Antifa. Im a supporter of President Trump, the Constitution, Bible and our men and women in uniform and law enforcement! According to Antifa that makes me a Alt Right Nazi or ?????? I think.

Is antifa necessary?

How can we as American Patriots counter this nonsense?

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Violent Protests: Is Antifa necessary?

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