dimanche 24 septembre 2017

Home comms help

My handheld Kenwood does not have the power (5W) to reach our local emergency repeater very well, based on terrain, foliage and simple distance.

Looking to get a good home based HAM radio to allow for comms during emergencies. I have a Yaesu FT-350 in my truck, but during a recent storm found it's not practical to sit in the truck during this event or future events.

Again, looking for a good home based radio preferably A/C as I don't have much in way of 12 V stand by time in batteries.

Finally, with the recommendation of the radio what would be a good antenna to match up with it? Prefer to keep it rather stealthy, I have a Diamond discount D3000 antenna already, would this work for the radio being recommended??

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Home comms help

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